Monday, 17 June 2013


I liked camp it was fun i didn't like the woodticks they hurt you by taking blood from your body and it hurt's but when i did biking i was happy that we got it so we could bike go on the path i ate lanch
there was lots space to eat where you want i liked when we got to shot the bow and hit the target's

Monday, 10 June 2013

Term 3

I think it was fun but it got harder then I  started off here but it was fun all year I liked when we went to seven oak's pool went swimming with my friends and teacher  when we walked there raced to get in the pool

Tuesday, 30 April 2013


This is my bully video so watch

Thursday, 7 March 2013

To Read Term Two Reflection  Click here

Monday, 25 February 2013

Stuck in this world

If you want to read my story Click Here

Friday, 11 January 2013


1.Learn how to do the russin dance *
2.Become famous
3.Skydive from a plane *
4.Run super fast
5.Become a boxer
6.Become a firefighter *
7.Become a game maker
8.Become a shirt/shorts maker
9.Bulid some thing cool
10.Become a legndy
11.Stop war
12.Fly a plane *
13.Make a movie
14.Become a leader
15.Beat a russin boxer
16.Make more tree's
17. Stop bad air
18.Stop animal abuse
19.Help the poor
20.Save life's
21.Support Thing's and people
22.Make a new famous buliding
23.Make a book *
24.Become a farmer
25.Make a house in the woods
26.Go around the world *
26.Go to U.S.A
27.Go to Brazil
28.Go to New vegas  *
29.Go to Los Angeles *
30.Go to Ontario
31.Be a racer *
32.Make a game brand
33.Get a baby bear as a pet *
34.Play poker
35.Become mma fighter
36.Get a wolve
37.Make a game
38.Buy a macbook
39.Live when a big snow storm happen's
40.boggie jumping
41.Get a new ipod
42.Make cheese
43.Save a airplane
44.Be a artiet
45.Finsh School
46.Sovle a misson
47.Meet michal jondan
48.Meet kobe
49.Meet Obama
50.Go on a ship
51.Get a pro bmx 
52.Join hockey
53.Join football
54.Join soccer 
55.Join basket ball
56.Try a buddy burger
57.Win the lottery
58.Get pool in the back yard
59.Live in a mansion
60.Rise a monkey
61.Make a new brand
62.Make a world record
63.Make a time macine
64.Find secret caves
65.Go on a adventure
66.Get halo 4
67.Get a Xbox 360
68.Get a fox as a pet
69.Get a new tv
70.Make a football team
71.Get a lumber jack
72.Get best food in the world
73.Do a back flip off big tower in world
74.Go to biggest mall in world
75.Play ZombiU
76.Make it to round at last 50
77.Make a zpod
78.Win awesome prize